Ideal for absorbing exudates when packing in trays or vacuum-packing.
Poultry cut-up and packaging
Ideal for absorbing exudates when packing in trays or vacuum-packing.
Insulated roll perfect for transporting poultry. Suitable for all our dead...
Food traceability labels for use at low temperatures down to -30°C.
Simple, efficient traceability labels for everyday use.
Soluble food traceability labels. Dissolves in water in 30 seconds!
Set of 5 stainless steel trussing needles. Precise and lightweight, these...
Professional stainless steel twine dispenser. Makes trussing easier and...
Stainless steel twine dispenser. For efficiently tying up your meat and poultry.
Stainless steel spare holder for Sharp'Easy sharpener.
Polyester twine for effective tying of roasts and paupiettes.
Polyester twine for tying paupiettes and roasts. Blue, white and red to...
Stainless steel sharpening bars for Sharp'Easy sharpeners, supplied in...
Easy-to-use traysealer.
Boning knife with bevelled and curved tip, specially designed for...
9 rolls of labels for 2-line labeller (Food Labelling Kit sold separately).
This top-of-the-range knife is perfect for cutting all your poultry with...